On April 2021, 8 and 9th, the Laboratory of Mathematics Raphaël Salem (LMRS, UMR CNRS 6085) at the University of Rouen Normandie organizes
MiMo 2021 : workshop on Mixture Models.
The program includes talks on statistical methods for mixture models, both from a theoretical and a practical point of view, so that the conference should gather specialists from the different communities. The participation of junior researchers as well as PhD students is particularly encouraged.
This workshop is organized under the project SMILES (Statistical Modeling and Inference for unsupervised Learning at LargE-Scale) funded by the french National Research Agency (ANR). It is also connected to the ex-RIN project AStERiCS (Scaled Statistical Learning for Representation and Unsupervised Classification), which was funded by the region Normandy, and the final culmination of which MiMo2020 (cancelled due to Covid-19 crisis) should have been.
Practical information
Registration will be open until April 7th, 5 pm. It is free, but mandatory:links for attending the workshop will be sent to each participant on the e-mail address given in the registration form.